GWAS Virtual AGM

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Please be advised that GWAS will be holding their previously postponed AGM virtually using GoToMeeting on Sunday 23 August at 14:00.

A copy of the Hon. Treasurer’s report, the Affiliation Secretary’s report and the minutes of the 2019 A.G.M. are available from links below. May I ask you to read all these documents prior to the meeting as, in particular, the minutes and Hon. Treasurer’s report need to be formally accepted by the members. Given the limitations of online meetings, may I also ask that any questions relating to any of these documents are addressed to the Hon. Secretary ( or Hon. Treasurer ( by noon on Friday 21st August. We shall then endeavour to provide reasoned answers at the AGM.
Also attached are Council Nomination Forms. Completed nomination forms for the positions of President, Chairman, Hon. Sec. and Hon. Treasurer should be returned to the Hon. Secretary, GWAS, Firbank, Water St., Mere, Wiltshire BA12 6DY to arrive no later than 2.00 pm on Sunday 16th August 2020. Emailed nominations will be accepted.
Whilst the GWAS constitution allows that nominations for other positions may be submitted on the day of the AGM, we would ask that they are provided by noon on Saturday 22nd August if at all possible. In addition to those mentioned above, the following GWAS Council positions are up for election:
a.                Hon. Tournament Secretary.
b.                Equipment Officer.
c.                Junior Representative.
d.                Field Representative.
e.                Archivist & Librarian.
f.                 GWAS representatives to EAF.
g.                Affiliations Secretary.
h.                Protection Officer.
i.                                 Records Officer.
j.                                 Communications and Web Content Officer.
Forgive me for re-iterating, but the A.G.M. is a private meeting for members of G.W.A.S.. If you wish to join the meeting, would you please register your intention with the Hon. Secretary by noon on Friday 21st August. Please make sure you title your email ‘GWAS AGM attendance’ and include your name, club, AGB number and a contact email address. Current members (that is those affiliated for 2019/2020) will be sent access codes for the meeting around noon on the day of the AGM. This code is for members’ use only and should not be shared with any other person, whether a member of G.W.A.S. or not.
For ease of production of minutes, it is my wish to record the meeting. Whilst it could be argued that there is legitimate interest in doing so under GDP regulations, in this instance I should like the specific consent of each member attending. Therefore, when you register, would you please include the following in your email: ‘I consent to being recorded at the G.W.A.S. A.G.M. and further consent to the recording being kept securely and used only by the G.W.A.S. Hon. Secretary for the purpose of writing minutes of the meeting, with the recording being permanently erased within one month of the meeting.
If you wish to opt out from the recording or have any concerns about it, please do not hesitate to contact me by email.
Please be aware that the officers of the Association are volunteers and do not have unlimited time for administration. Any members who do not register by noon on the 21st August may request access to the meeting by emailing the Hon. Secretary, but should be aware that their request may not be dealt with in time for the A.G.M., so please register in time.
Members are reminded that this is an A.G.M. which is convened to conduct specific items of business as per the agenda. This means that there will not be any other business from the floor.
I hope to see you at the AGM.
Andrew Rees
Hon. Secretary G.W.A.S.

If you wish to register to attend the A.G.M., I would ask that your email should be in the following form:
AGB number:
Email address for the delivery of meeting access code:
I consent to being recorded at the G.W.A.S. A.G.M. and further consent to the recording being kept securely and used only by the G.W.A.S. Hon. Secretary for the purpose of writing minutes of the meeting, with the recording being permanently erased within one month of the meeting.

This link to the GWAS website gives access to some AGM documentation. The rest is linked below.

2020 GWAS Nomination Form

2019 GWAS AGM Draft Minutes

GWAS Accounts

GWAS AGM Spreadsheets 2020

GWAS Affiliation Stats

GWAS Affiliation Stats County Graphs

GWAS Affiliation Stats Cover Sheet


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