DWAA AGM 23rd October 2022

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The DWAA AGM is taking place on

Sunday 23rd October 2022 at 1pm at Tesco
Extra, The Bourne Centre, Southampton Road, Salisbury Wiltshire, SP1 2NY
The calling notice and associated documents are listed below.
AGM Calling Notice:
In accordance with the constitution, section 17* of the Association, we
hereby call the Annual General Meeting for 2021-2022 (the previous AGM
for 2020-2021 being duly held on Sunday 15th August 2021).
AGM Agenda & Draft Previous Minutes
Please find the 2021-22 AGM Agenda and draft 2020-21 AGM Minutes
AGM Pre-Registration
If you are attending the meeting, please can you confirm by email to
janeprior1511@gmail.com no later than the 15th October 2022, we are
proving a buffet lunch and refreshments, therefore we need to know
numbers for the catering.
Committee Roles:
If you are interested in volunteering for any of the Committee roles,
please arrange to fill out the nomination form also attached and send by
email to Jane Prior – janeprior1511@gmail.com no later than Saturday
15th October 2022.
Details of the Committee roles can be found using this link  –
Current Committee members can be found here –
If you have any questions or issues please let us know.
Jane Prior
DWAA Secretary
*Article 17 – ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGS An AGM shall be held in the
autumn. Not less than 21 days notice in writing shall be sent to Club
Secretaries and to Associate Members. Members affiliated through Clubs
shall be notified by their Club Secretaries.

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